Due to unlimited possibilities you can dress your property in almost any garb, meet the "Fire protection class A"with its high requirements at the same time and the whole also with "100% graffiti protection" and "100% recyclable"! Whether stone decor, wood decor or any other desired and " individual design " up to your personal and therefore unique "Grafic or photo template". Make only by us with STARWALL facade designs, facade renovations or facade refurbishments your object to a unique, through our patented Multicolor UV printing e.g. on fibre cement panels as curtain, back-ventilated Facade!
Thousands of eyes are on you!
Use your company or residential building, indoors and outdoors as an advertising medium for your company and show where and who you are with suitable individual interior or facade design. The full-surface design with STARWALL creates e.g. in underground car parks whole Brand worlds.