Reisekö acts exclusively as an agent for all known, large and renowned tour operators (e.g. ThomasCook, Neckermann, Alltours, FTI, Jahn, TUI, and many more). That is why at Reisekö you will see all travel offers clearly listed and sorted directly by price in ascending order, i.e. in direct price comparison with each other. This is your absolute best price guarantee! You will find more than 18 million up-to-date travel offers every day at www.Der-Reisekö !
Why booking with Reisekö is not only easy, but also safe and always guarantees you the best price:
We want you to enjoy your trip and your holiday from the first to the last moment. Only a satisfied customer is a good recommendation and we want you to be able to recommend us at any time. Security is very important to us - that's why you won't pay a cent at Reisekö until you have your travel confirmation and your security certificate in your hands.
At Reisekö you only book travel offers, last minute offers and early booking offers from well-known, large and reputable tour operators (e.g. Thomas Cook, Neckermann, Alltours, FTI, Jahn, TUI, and many more). That is why at Reisekö you will see all travel offers clearly listed and sorted directly by price in ascending order, i.e. in direct price comparison with each other. This is your absolute best price guarantee! You will find more than 18 million up-to-date travel offers every day at www.Der-Reisekö !
Your payment is made exclusively and directly to the well-known and reputable tour operator you have selected and not to any unknown intermediaries or third parties. At Reisekö security and service from booking to travel is one of our highest priorities.
During our normal opening hours, Monday to Sunday from 8.00-20.00 hrs, you will receive the travel confirmation directly from the tour operator to your email inbox, usually within 20 minutes, and the same originals again by post within 2-3 working days. The payment modalities will be explained again in your travel confirmation. You do not pay a cent until you have your travel confirmation and the security certificate in your hands.
Your Der-Reisekö service team wishes you a wonderful and relaxing holiday.
Search and book easily and securely here at www.Der-Reisekö !