Production & Logistics & Services

Schwarz Produktion produces beverages, baked goods, ice cream, chocolate and dried fruit, which it supplies to over 25 countries. The company is a leader in food production and is well positioned in the market with its Bon Gelati, Solent, MEG Weißenfels, Bonback and Sindra Logistik & Services plants.

With eleven production sites and three corporate and administrative units responsible for overarching tasks, Schwarz Produktion can be found a total of 14 times throughout Germany.

The company, which produces its high-quality food and packaging for the Schwarz Group, offers over 650 different job profiles.


-Baked goods: Bonback
-Ice cream: Bon Gelati
-Beverage and plastics production: MEG
-Chocolate and dried fruit Solent

-Infrastructure and logistics Sindra

-Major Projects Pro Projekte


From Weißenfels, around 350 Schwarz Produktion employees are committed to ensuring smooth processes at our 14 locations. Various specialist departments - from IT, human resources, logistics and marketing to quality assurance - work closely with all plants. They contribute to the great efficiency of our sites with organisational and administrative activities.

Here you can go directly to the product at our website or in our onlineshop!